Monday, November 15, 2010

Tell All

Today is the tell all about Emu oil. So lets begin. Emu oil comes from the fat of he Emu, which is a native bird of Australia. Emu oil works great for skin, and hair. It can be used to soothe itches,bites and sunburn.Whats so great about Emu oil is it doesn't clog your pores and it's hypo-allergenic! So don't be scared to let it get on your face.

It can be used to treat dandruff, hair loss, acne, stretch marks, and razor burns/bumps. What a versatile product! It is a very moisturizing product [which is a plus for your hair] but it is also expensive [might be a minus for your pockets].

 I personally decided to investing in a 8 oz. bottle of Emu oil from Alikay Naturals, that contains other essential oils to test it out. If you feel that this hair care stuff is the real deal for you then go ahead and buy some!

If you know anything else about Emu oil feel free to add on to the knowledge.


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