Sunday, November 21, 2010

Overwhelmed much?

Do you find yourself always wishing there was more time in the day to get your errands/chores done? Feel like 24 hours is only three? Maybe your having bad time management. A lot of people know they have bad time management, but don't  have the first idea how to stop this bad habit. This post will provide tips on how to stop that &#*% dead in its tracks.

What you need to do is :
  1. Get an agenda/calender/note pad. You just need something where you can write down your ideas.
  2. Set goals. Either long term or short term. For example a long term goal would be taking a trip to California and short term would be getting your nails done by Friday. Having goals gives you a guideline as to the important things. Goals need to be the things that are important to your schedule or life.
  3. Write things out. This places the errands or whatever in a place you will physically see them. Sometimes 'remembering' them is not enough and counting on your memory a hundred percent is not always reliable.
  4. Get comfortable. Some people work best at 3 a.m. or right before they go to bed. Finding the right time for you to work is all about becoming the most efficient, because this is when you will get the most work done.
  5. Keep interruptions at bay and place your self in the appropriate environment. This may be closing your door or going to the library to get away from your fun roommates. Turning your phone off or going to the library could also help keep the distractions to a minimum. This is a big part for most people. It's so easy to accidentally end up on Facebook or the phone for two hours. By this time you've put yourself out of that work mode and put yourself into the relaxed mood.
  6. Manage stress. If your overwhelmed its much harder to get the work done and your automatically breaking yourself down. Take a deep breath and think about the tasks one at a time. If you automatically think "I have to write this paper, then do her hair, then do laundry, and start this project" your more likely to break down and stop the work before it starts. If you take the alternative view and look at each task one by one your more likely to feel relieved and can have a clear mind to do work.
  7. Think positive. If you have a positive outlook on getting the work done then your more likely to get it done no fuss.
Here are some tips to help you once you start:

  • If you don't complete something move it to the next day. Just because it wasn't finished Monday doesn't mean you can't finish it Friday.
  • Set realistic goals. Don't have three 8 hour jobs, two kids, school work and expect to fit in clubbin' time.
  • Leave enough time for things you must do.
  • Do th quickest thing first. For example make calls before you'd make work schedules or do something time consuming.
  • Be ready for the unexpected! Things happen and they sometimes mess up your schedule. Don't let that knock you down. Just make the appropriate adjustments and keep it moving.
  • Don't over commit! Don't say you can volunteer for 20 hours when your working those three jobs
  • Identify the time you want to spend on various goals. Make sure there is enough time for each.
  • Schedule high priority goals. Just because you put a star next to it doesn't entirely mean its more important than tomorrows activities.
  • Any room for fun? If not there should be. You might just become a robot and overload.
What if you start doing these things and you just don't know whats stopping you...or you do. You procrastinate.

Procrastination is caused when we don't want to do an unpleasant activity that we dread and put other activities ahead of them. Sometimes we are disorganized, overwhelmed or judge all tasks as equals.

To curb procrastination:
  • give yourself rewards. For example don't eat until you finish your work.
  • Have someone watch you [peer pressure works]
  • Identify the unpleasant consequences. If you know you could fail the class if you don't do the essay you may be more likely to get a start on it.
  • Do the unpleasant thing first.
  • Set time boundaries for yourself. "I will have my hair done before Wednesday."
  • Focus on one thing at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself.


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