Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Natural Frustrations.

Going natural so far has been a pretty steady journey and has its up and downs. Some days I want to perm my hair, some days I want to BC it and others I rather just keep it as is. For the last couple days I've been getting a little down about this whole transition. The hardest part is when you see women such as Moptop Maven and Curly Nikki [moptopmaven.blogspot.com/ Curlynikki.com] who have this beautiful hair with beautiful length and remember that it takes years, not hours to achieve this. The hardest part about going natural is having the patience to wait for your hair to grown out its permed ends.Sometimes I just see myself with shoulder length natural hair, when my new growth is only two inches off my head [lol]. To combat this impatience us transitioners need to focus on getting our hair to the healthiest it can be, not the length. Stop focusing on the end result [well let it motivate you, not deter you] and live in the moment of now. Before you know it you'll have natural tresses all down your back. [Writing this made me feel better about this natural choice.] Some of us ladies decided to go natural because we were becoming aware of the harmful chemicals, other want to get back to their roots, and some just think it helps them stand apart. Remember these reasons when you begin your question your decision. Ladies try not to fall off and keep hope up. Hopefully in three or four years we will truly be where we want to be.


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