Saturday, November 13, 2010

Scratch Scratch....Say What?!

Now I've covered what to do if you have dry hair, but what do you do if you have dry hair AND a dry scalp?
This is a problem I'm steady facing. Sometimes you have to wash your hair more than once a week or apply more oil more often. Essential oils can help this problem out greatly.

Essential Oils For dry scalp

  1. Lavender
  2. Frankincense (whatever that is)
  3. Rosemary Oil
  4. Tea Tree Oil
Now if you scratch your scalp a lot due to its dryness and your scalp feels tender to the touch here are some things you can do to sooth your pain.

Get either lemon (Squeezed or bottled), or  Ylang Ylang, dilute them with water and pour over the effected areas. Lemon juice and Ylang-Ylang are both antiseptics which can be used to treat any cuts or scratch you may have because of the excessive scratching. Additionally they will help you to stop scratching the already sore spots on your hair. Not only do you get to treat your sore scalp but you also get a fresh smell to your hair.


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