Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dry Hair...Don't Care?

Look at what time it is. Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and Christmas isn't to far behind. Now I know for some of you this means Christmas shopping, and overtime work, but have you thought about the gift your going to give your hair this season? Didn't think your hair needed a gift this year? Well it DOES! Because of the cold weather your hair is going to need your help more than ever. I previously addressed ways to protect your hair from the winter weather in my post Brrr..It's Cold in here, but what if your not wearing protective styles? Well here's my tell all!


  1. Use a nourishing moisturizer shampoo and an intensive conditioner.
  2. Pre-poo (applying oil like olive oil to the scalp in excess) before your wash. 
  3.  Air dry more often.
  4. Avoid  heat appliances and perming or coloring.
  5. Maybe increase the amount of times you wash your hair (could rotate co-washing and shampooing)
  6. Apply oils such as coconut oil on the scalp lightly and massaging through hair to tips.
  7. Spray hair with water and oil mixture.
  8. Do steam treatments.
  9. 'Baggy' your hair with deep moisturizer for 30+.
Here are some Essential oils you can use to help the dry hair problem

*Note: Essential oils should not be directly applied to hair. You must dilute them in water or in your concoctions.
  1. Myrhh
  2. Peppermint


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