Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wanna become a product J U N K I E?

Hair-spiration much?  Source
Okay. I know the title sounds a little crazy. Who wants to be a product junkie? MEEEEEEEEEE, and you should want to eventually. The whole thing behind being a product junkie is you [need] to experiment with different products. You will never find the PERFECT products for your hair if you play it safe all the time. Sometimes you need to be a little dare devil-ish and spend that $5-20 dollars [crazy right? it gets like that]. At first you say "No, I'm never going to become like her....a sink full of products", but as you go on you realized "Hmmmm, I would like to try some Grape Seed Oil", and end up buying something. Eventually one thing leads to another, and you have seven conditioners, a bagillion oils, eighteen hair butters, and what ever else you can get your hands on. When you get over how much money you may have spent over the weeks/months you can really appreciate your variety of products! It'll be worth it, I promise! Are you wondering how you can get started on your product-fixes? Good! Here's some of the info you need to be a successful product junkie.

  1. What products you need.
    • First things first, if you want to be a successful P.J. then YOU MUST pay attention to the ingredients!
    • Avoid : Petroleum, Mineral Oil, Propylene Glycol, Sulfates (what makes shampoos sudsy), and Isopropyl Alcohol. Sad thing is these are in so much products that you use Pink Lotion and such products.
    • Keep it 100% NAT-U-RAL.
    • Look for things that will satisfy your hairs needs. Is your hair dry? brittle?  Look for things that will help you.
  2. Places to find your products.
    • Online, local Beauty Supply, Super Market.
      • Online sites like and Amazon are the places I order a good amount of product for cheap. For example Rose water and Castor Oil are good buys on there.
      • Beauty Supplies are good for finding things like a jar full of natural Shea butter and other little things.
      • Super Markets are especially great for finding jars of Coconut Oil, and other oils you may want. The price may not be too great, but everyone has access to these products.


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