Monday, December 13, 2010

Favorite things

 I [absolutely] love the shoes. I need to bring some bad heels into the new year. Colored heels always add a vibrant splash to your outfit. {not to sure about the gold buttons though}

I love this dress! Its a must to get a long-sleeved pattern dress.

Must get these shades! Have no idea where to get them but it is a must that I get them.


I'm loving her length. She looks so model [esq] and she is very inspirational. Too cute.

                                 Who doesn't love Teyanna Taylor's hair? And her style is just to die for !

Blazer and a nude lip! Ahhhh! Something every outfit could use! Very intrigued by the second outfit and the huge hair! It's time to change things up and bit an not be afraid to make a statement.


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