Sunday, December 19, 2010

Forget Me Not

I usually don't post on Sundays, but I had to since I dont know when I'll post again. Today has been a long day! Been Christmas shopping for the family and it was crazy every where! Found some great things for great prices. Bath and Body Works, Victoria Secret and various other places have GREAT deals, you just have to look for them. Well I'm off to church to support a little sister. Be safe and enjoy your holidays.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Holidays

Used this picture once before--shoot me.
Todays the big day! The day I head home to see my family! I'm excited because I get to celebrate Christmas with my sisters. I must say I'm not to thrilled about decorating the tree but I'm going to be doing it any way. I will definitely post pictures as soon as I do it. Happy Holidays to you who do read my blog. Enjoy it.

New Years Inspired

Todays bantu knot out. My take on the second picture.
(Only did the knots in the front and a braid out for the hair in the net.) 
Every year millions of billions of people do the same old New Years Resolution. Ha. I laugh because we make a resolution since everyone else is doing it. How long do we actually follow through with it? A month maybe two? Well to laugh in the face of New Years resolutions, I started my resolution early and you should too. Why wait for that one day to change something about yourself? Is it 'cuz we need the motivation? I think so, but who really ever knows. But, back to my head start on New Years. I decided I wanted to be more fashion-esque. You know? Lipstick wearing, different outfits [not too different], heels and even crazy hair. I got inspired by looking at all the black fashion blogs on tumblr. Every time I looked at them I sighed and wished I could be edgy and cool looking like they do. Why wish if I can just DO it? Well I went ahead and bought different lipsticks, put a little eye shadow on and even dressed in different outfits. It feels great to feel better about yourself look great and feels great [future blog about that].


                                                           Trying to be artistic and beautiful. :)

 Yesterdays braid out. Had on black shirt and black tights with timberland boots. [loved it]. Can you see the make-up? Well I can and i [love] it as well.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Straighten Me Out

I was supposed to post pictures of my hair once I flat ironed it but got caught up in Amala. Sooo here they are!
Once I blow dried it a little and detangled this is what my hair looked like.

When it was flat ironed this is what it looked like. My permed ends were good but my new growth was CRAZY DRY.

Me experimenting with the hair bands I got from my roommate. :)

 I miss my hair flat ironed but I must admit it was not worth it and I'm back to the braid outs/ bantu knot outs. Hopefully my sister will be able to give me a weave and I wont have to see my hair anymore [lol]. No, I'm serious.

Amala Treatment

After I washed my hair Sunday I decided to Flat iron it, but was very unsatisfied with the moisture content of my hair. It felt very dry and was soooo fly away[ish], so I put some Eco Styler Gel  on it <my favorite>, but my hair got crazy and I got overly frustrated. So I had my natural guru whip up some Amala for my hair because it was just so moisture-less! Well I was a little nervous because at first it got a little hot but GEE-WHIZZ it made my new growth feel BANGING! Unfortunately my permed ends felt like crap.
The Amala in my hair

 It took about a hour to apply it to my hair [thick hair] and I left it on for 30 minutes [had a date] and my guru washed it out with regular shampoo in an applicator bottle. She applied some coconut oil to add some more moisture to my hair. Then I applied my Herbal Essence Moisturizing Conditioner for about 30 minutes and washed it out. Must I say my new growth and even my relaxed ends felt great. What a big change from the dry hair I had previously. To seal in the rest of the moisture I French braided my hair back and let them dry over night.

This is the final product
             I will DEFINATELY do an Amala treatment again and would recommend it to everyone!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Favorite things

 I [absolutely] love the shoes. I need to bring some bad heels into the new year. Colored heels always add a vibrant splash to your outfit. {not to sure about the gold buttons though}

I love this dress! Its a must to get a long-sleeved pattern dress.

Must get these shades! Have no idea where to get them but it is a must that I get them.


I'm loving her length. She looks so model [esq] and she is very inspirational. Too cute.

                                 Who doesn't love Teyanna Taylor's hair? And her style is just to die for !

Blazer and a nude lip! Ahhhh! Something every outfit could use! Very intrigued by the second outfit and the huge hair! It's time to change things up and bit an not be afraid to make a statement.

Cold weather + Wrap = Limp Hair

So I decided to flat iron my hair after I took it out of my protective style and I'm so happy to see the growth. Nothings more exciting that seeing your texture fully. Back to the  straight hair problem!The main problem is my roots are poofy. You know what I mean? When you just go for a run and you [sweat] your hair out and have to flat iron it again? No? Well thats where I'm at. If it isn't one thing with my hair its another. The hair is very light and fly away-ish and no matter how much oil is added its still light. Not to mention it is very windy outside. If your having this problem your best bet is probably to put it up in a bun or try some new protective styles.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Out with the old

I feel like this with my hair...[source]
I finally took out my protective style. It lasted me a month and a week. Usually it lasts longer but because of previous mess ups the style was done. The front of my hair was extra frizzy and frankly it looked like a mini fro with rope twist on top of it. With that being said last night I washed my hair in four sections and shampooed each section twice. Once with a clarifying shampoo and then again with a moisturizing shampoo. Then, I went ahead and conditioned each section and put it in a cap and kept it in over night. Here I am now, about to wash it out. Now I'm at a road block...what to do with my hair? Should I attempt a majestic bun? or flat iron for length check? No idea. If your at this very same road block my next post will address this issue.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Buns Galor

Always wanted to learn how everyone makes their buns, but you just cant figure it out? Well I have a quick tutorial how to make one. When the twists come out I'll be sure to try this models style. [I love it <3].


  1. Gather black/white socks [more for longer hair less for shorter hair] I used about 4 black and white socks. 
2. Cut the part of the sock where your toes go.

3.Roll the sock under until you run out of sock.

4.      Take the sock from the part you just cut and roll it inwards until you need the next sock. Once you start the second sock take the part that goes around your ankle and lye it on the already rolled sock.
4. Your final product should look just like my own. If it looks a little off just shape it.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Xmas Frustrations

Don't know what to get that special someone? No? Well neither do I, but I can give you some good suggestions. The hardest part about giving gifts is not everyone can be given [any old] gift. Here are some suggestions.

  • Phone case <Otterbox, Specks>
  • Make-up <Coastal Scents>
  • Nice lotion/ perfume kit <Victoria Secret>
  • Hoodies/ Nice shoes/ wallet/ watch
  • Bad Heels/ body scrubs/ earrings
  • Simple Jewelry/ Lotions/ Games/ Toys (for young kids)
  • Or anything you think they may need.
Chances are this special persona may have said "I want _____". If you haven't heard that, then contemplate what they would appreciate or use. No one likes crappy, ill thought out gifts. Also, you don't have to spend a butt load of money for a great gift. Places like Forever XXI and Victoria Secret sells great products at low prices. Never avoid a good deal!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Randomly [it]

I just love the way the sun hits my book.

Well for today I don't have some interesting thing to update my blog with, but instead of not posting anything, I'm giving you a little view into my life right this moment. This week and next week are Finals week for myself, and most other college kids, so I am [unbelievably] busy and not busy. All at the same time. Whooo! I can't wait until it's over, and can finally relax. As I write out these study guides I'm contemplating topics for the next few posts. I was thinking along the lines of acne solutions, Christmas frustrations and figuring out your hair type. Not much excitement? Well feel free to give some ideas, or ask any questions. :)

For some of you all who are second guessing your natural choice. :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wanna become a product J U N K I E?

Hair-spiration much?  Source
Okay. I know the title sounds a little crazy. Who wants to be a product junkie? MEEEEEEEEEE, and you should want to eventually. The whole thing behind being a product junkie is you [need] to experiment with different products. You will never find the PERFECT products for your hair if you play it safe all the time. Sometimes you need to be a little dare devil-ish and spend that $5-20 dollars [crazy right? it gets like that]. At first you say "No, I'm never going to become like her....a sink full of products", but as you go on you realized "Hmmmm, I would like to try some Grape Seed Oil", and end up buying something. Eventually one thing leads to another, and you have seven conditioners, a bagillion oils, eighteen hair butters, and what ever else you can get your hands on. When you get over how much money you may have spent over the weeks/months you can really appreciate your variety of products! It'll be worth it, I promise! Are you wondering how you can get started on your product-fixes? Good! Here's some of the info you need to be a successful product junkie.

  1. What products you need.
    • First things first, if you want to be a successful P.J. then YOU MUST pay attention to the ingredients!
    • Avoid : Petroleum, Mineral Oil, Propylene Glycol, Sulfates (what makes shampoos sudsy), and Isopropyl Alcohol. Sad thing is these are in so much products that you use Pink Lotion and such products.
    • Keep it 100% NAT-U-RAL.
    • Look for things that will satisfy your hairs needs. Is your hair dry? brittle?  Look for things that will help you.
  2. Places to find your products.
    • Online, local Beauty Supply, Super Market.
      • Online sites like and Amazon are the places I order a good amount of product for cheap. For example Rose water and Castor Oil are good buys on there.
      • Beauty Supplies are good for finding things like a jar full of natural Shea butter and other little things.
      • Super Markets are especially great for finding jars of Coconut Oil, and other oils you may want. The price may not be too great, but everyone has access to these products.