Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Moisturizing your Tresses

We all have that time where our hair becomes unmanageable and we can hardly run a comb through it. Have you considered that it is because your hair isn't moisturized? Last night after I rambled on about the wildness of my hair that thought came to me, and I made a little moisture spray. This spray instantly made my hair feel softer and more manageable. If you're having day to day moisture struggles things such as braiding your hair at night and spraying with with a simple distilled water, drop of glycerin and drops of Castor oil (oil of your choice) mix may solve this problem. Hair that is not moisturized in the morning and at night may result in excessive shedding and extreme knots [ I experienced this]. Our hair needs moisture to be manageable, so make sure your either rubbing your hair with leave in and coconut oil or spraying it with some mix to keep it healthy.

Concoctions to keep it moisturized [daily]:

  • Distilled water and any Oil [spray]
  • Hair Butter
  • Leave-In and any Oil [rub down]
  • Glycerin [add to any of these options and it attracts moisture from the air around you]


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