Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Moisturizing your Tresses

We all have that time where our hair becomes unmanageable and we can hardly run a comb through it. Have you considered that it is because your hair isn't moisturized? Last night after I rambled on about the wildness of my hair that thought came to me, and I made a little moisture spray. This spray instantly made my hair feel softer and more manageable. If you're having day to day moisture struggles things such as braiding your hair at night and spraying with with a simple distilled water, drop of glycerin and drops of Castor oil (oil of your choice) mix may solve this problem. Hair that is not moisturized in the morning and at night may result in excessive shedding and extreme knots [ I experienced this]. Our hair needs moisture to be manageable, so make sure your either rubbing your hair with leave in and coconut oil or spraying it with some mix to keep it healthy.

Concoctions to keep it moisturized [daily]:

  • Distilled water and any Oil [spray]
  • Hair Butter
  • Leave-In and any Oil [rub down]
  • Glycerin [add to any of these options and it attracts moisture from the air around you]

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Well I must say that I have been busier than expected for the last three weeks. Vacation and school, that is. This is the first week of school for us college kids and I must say it is soooo crazy. On top of that I am still a little sick, so I'm sitting in all my classes just randomly coughing, trying not to catch everyones attention. I love my classes so far [kinda]. Math is the odd kid in the bunch but for the first assignments for homework, they were pretty easy. I also signed up for this Crime and Justice in America class and today all I really learned was that there was a 19 page syllabus and that we have guest speakers [who I am looking forward to]. Set aside from school I go back to work next week so forgive me if I forget a day or so of blogging...I'm trying to get used to this crazzyy life I call my own. Hair ventures anyone? If your up for it, I must tell you about my hair! Sunday was my 6 month no perm anniversary and I must admit my hair started going CRAZY that very day! All of the sudden I started getting these horrible knots from the middle of my strand and I don't know how to style it. So I'm walking around looking like a troll doll [just kidding]. My hair is contained in my do it all cap [ I forgot what its really called]. As much as I love my natural journey, I must say it is that time to perm my hair and get it back to a state where I can manage it. I'm supposed to be flat ironing it now, but even that's too doggone hard to do! This is how I know it is time. I hope I haven't let down any who do check in with me, but I must. I will be posting future blogs about how to moisturize permed hair and style it.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I  don't usually post pictures of my dinner but this dinner was sooooo amazing that the world must know about this. The food I had was [amazing]! I had a seafood stew in a red sauce. The sauce alone was sooo great I wanted to drink it alone.
The bowl looks small but it was HUGE and HOT.

Desert. Ice cream sandwiched between two cookies. Yummy.

New Years Resolution

I said in a previous post my New Years resolution would be red, and I meant it. My nails are ruby red which I LOVE and finally I got my lips to match. :)

I have huge lips and not very well with applying the lipstick so go easy on me. Got any pointers for applying the lipstick? Well leave a comment please.

Bantu Knot Out

When I was doing hair on my vacation, I just so happened to have one client who was  natural. I loved [envied] her natural tresses and couldn't get over her texture. To my surprise she didn't know what Bantu knots were and what they did. Of course I told her about them and what they look like. So I wanted to do the same for those of you who don't know either. This is from a Bantu knot I did over the winter break.

This is the result of the Bantu knot out. Unfortunately, I can't seem to duplicate this look and am having trouble taking the knots out without disturbing the curl. Any tips? Please leave a comment.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Forgive Me

I know its been almost three weeks and I haven't posted one thing. Well I was away from WiFi and my laptop for two weeks and then right before I was to come back to blogging I got extra sick. Well as I write I am still sick,  but want to share some of my vacation pictures while I am awake. Hopefully I can resume blogging this weekend.

This is me and my "New Year" Hair and the earrings I lost the very first time I wore them. 

My sisters Christmas hair done by moi.

Blazer Grey Tank Top Black tights and Black Boots

My New Years Resolution. Red.